Dear Family,
You really are the greatest ever, have i ever told you that? i really think that you are. Seriously though i couldn't be more happy being in any other family in the world. i was looking at some pictures today and i just thought to my self, dang you have a good family. and it is all because of the totally awesome parents i have. Take mom for instance, i think the only time she thinks of herself is when she is... never mind she never thinks of her self. and Dad holy cow look at how hard he works to bring home some bread and then he gets home and grabs some tools and puts them into a wheelbarrow and goes to work, sometimes he comes in when the sun goes down and other times he just grabs some flood lights. Did i mention my older brother? basically he is a stud drudging his way through life standing strong with a hope in a brighter future and a trust in god which is unfailing. (I'm sure his equally if not better wife helps with that) then my cute little brothers. they are just so cuddly and nice i just want to pinch their little cheeks and squeeze them. man I'm lucky.... i need some money. don't kill me dad but the other day i lost my travel card and the mission will not reimbursed me for it. i feel asleep on the bus and woke up just in time for our stop and ran off the bus. it was only when i was trying to get on the other bus that i realized i had left the card on the first bus. im thinking about changing my name badge to Elder Idiot. Seriously i think i have set a record i have lost a travel cad and left the keys at the flat three times once i even left them in the flippin door. anyways it will be about £90-£100, i think that soon with all my forgetfulness im going to become the million pound missionary. i can just see dad shaking his head in shame right now by the way day i laughed at your email toady when you said the da-- rabbits cause here it is more then ok to say damn i dont know how many times i have heard i it in church which reminds me of when i was ordain to the office of elder when i sarcastically asked dad if he remembered my full name and he replied 'Yea its Brighton Damnit Drew Solomon' haha so funny!! i love you dad
Hayes is going really well right now... kinda. We dropped almost all of the investigators that we being taught previous to mine and Elder Jacobs arrival so we spent the whole week walking around town center looking for people to teach. it was really fun but by the end of the week i was gettting really tired of it. thank fully it has begun to pay off cause we are teachin more now. this week we had Khouljaneng TouThang come to church and finnaly get confirmed. Ziggy we only have seen once in two flippin weeks. that one time brought good news cause his girlfriend moved out. but he did not come to church this week so we have to wait another week to confirm him. We had the oppurtunity to teach a Chinese student the other day and i am totally converted to Elder Jacobs love for them! Allen was so humble and polite i was speechlessly impressed so willing to learn and so sincere. and he LISTENED such a wonderful attribute for a student to have. Being the Lords investigator right now that is one that i need to work on a bit more. We had our president interviews this week and it was awesome. so because the whole mission is going to be turned upside down we ended up having a good talk about what he expects us to focus on as we train the new missionaries and learn how to be leaders. it was really good to talk with him and learn what he think we need to focus more on as missionaries. i thought it was interesting that he didnt say obedience or dilligence or baptisms or finding hours it was learn to recognize the spirit. ah what a great thing! he also talked about deepening our pool of knowledge so that we can draw from a deeper well as we teach. then effectiveness. Brigg here is an important note. It is all about the numbers. the more time you spend finding the more new investigators you have, the more investigators you have the more people you have at church. the more people at church the more people with a date the more people with a baptismal date the more people that get baptised. the more people baptised is the more people that are on the right path to salbation!
ok so it looks like i owe ya'll (or yous as they say here) some chocolate. Sheldon i did pick up on that SUBTLE hint that you are jealous of kassidee's chocolate but to that all i have to say is ask her how much she has written me :) so next week ill try to put a package together and send it on down for easter
i have found that my experience on a mission has been a bit different then others. people say that you stop getting post 6 months out then start getting it again when you have 6 months to go.. that hasnt been that case with me, after 3 months it virtually stopped but after a six month break im getting it all again. which i am thrilled about!! i just hope it continues. (thanks mikalieX2, kassidee and sister thompson)
keep strong and stay away from Nepalese curry (trust me)
Elder Solomon
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