Monday, November 8, 2010

600 something days to go


I think its a bit unfortunate that my p days are all on a Monday because Monday follows Sunday and Sundays are the most stressful frustrating day of the week. So, I'm still trying to wind down from this week. Our Ward Mission leader in priesthood announced the goals that we came up with for the month that we want to focus on. Bishop didn’t like that and pulled us aside and rebuked us for not involving the Ward Council in our goal setting. I was really confused because that had never been the case and amidst all the confusion and lack of communication somehow the entire fault fell on our laps. Kinda frustrating. On a brighter note we did have four investigators at church. Elisa, a retired dancer, has a year long commitment at 'her church' so she wont be baptized for a bit but comes to church whenever occasion permits so she was able to be there this week. Then we finally got Julie two of her daughters and one of her daughter’s friends to make it to church. They had to get a ride with our ward mission leader (Brother Hunt) in his 17-passenger van. The three-year-old daughter isn’t good in cars. Some time on the 20 minute ride to church, the 3 year old up chucked all over the 13 year old. So, when they did make it to church they were in a frightful state and the teenager was crying and wanted to go home. Props to mom though she made them all stay. Granted, Brother Hunt I'm sure, would not have taken them home anyhow. Last Sunday we all moved the clocks back an hour for 'daylight savings' and now the sun goes down at FOUR o'clock in the after noon. By six it is as dark and lonely as midnight. People yell at you for knocking at their doors at half past five and none of the investigators want to see you past six. I love it. Especially since my body is conditioned to rise with the sun and set with it. I'm going to have a lot of adjusting to do.

Sheldon-Congrats on 2ND [at State in Diving]! That’s awesome! It was funny- I saw that the winner was from Arcadia and I had this odd feeling rivalry stir in me. (Those pretty boys from Scottsdale always put up a good fight but we always beat them.) Will you be doing club is ASU? I'm so excited for you. I think you should do all you can to get into the 2012 Olympics in London! That would be so cool to be released from my mission and then come back a week later and watch my brother dive. So in all the town centers they have these huge TV screens that show local news and BBC broadcasts. With the news there is always a count down to the Olympics. I have realized that the Olympics start around the same time that I leave. So I have a constant reminder of the limited days I have to serve in England. Its kinda sad to see that I only have six hundred something days to go.


I'm so happy that you are going to mission prep! That class became the highlight of my week. Ok, so the First Presidency has given us all eight specific lessons/ training that they want to incorporate into missionary life. These eight lessons will become the primary focus of all the MTC Classes around the time that you will be going out. I'm going to mail you a copy of the outlines of these lessons. Do with them what you would like but I would suggest that you study them. Add scriptures of your own to them and share them with the class. They started teaching us the lessons a couple of weeks after I got into the field and I have found that they have been a great help. I'm so sorry to hear about your knee. Its can be so frustrating when you do all that you can and wait on the Lord only to realize that He has something else in mind for you. I’m so happy and proud that you are taking the proper and positive attitude with these things. Life sucks but all the trials with are worth it if we remain faithful to the Lord. That is the lesson that I am learning. I know that the Lord has GREAT things in store for you. Although I am 6000 miles away with the little contact that I have I can see that you are changing and the Lord is beginning to shape and mold you so that you will fit the job description that He needs you to be. Never underestimate the power of your influence. You are in such a wonderful position that so many people love you and look up to you. Never forget it. You never know maybe a week before you leave on your mission someone that you never thought would will come up to you and ask you how soon they can be baptized. Brigg, I love you. Your email hit me right to the heart and for the first time in a long time I started to tear up. Right here in the Dover public library. I never appreciated the person you are. I’m sorry that it took me so long to be the brother that I should have been the whole time. I hope that above everything else you remember who I was for the last six months before it left. In begging for your forgiveness I want you to know that I forgive you. I hold no feelings but love and admiration for you. I often study and read about Joseph and Hyrum Smith. What an amazing relationship they had. Together they were ordained and set apart as President and Assistant President of the church. Everything they did was in harmony with each other. Even in death they were not separated. I feel that bond often when I think of my brothers and I think that there is no one in the world that it would have been better for me to grow up with then the three brothers I have.


Love you to bits. But I never took you as adrenalin junky. I will not preach but I would like to share my testimony. I know that the Lord watches over us. Intently. He has promised us through His servants that all things work together for good for those that serve God. I know this is true. It is too burdensome to take upon us the responsibility of others actions. I have recently learned that it is not considered throwing someone under the bus when they themselves were jay walking. All men will be responsible for their OWN sins and not for Adams transgressions. I don’t know if it is the motto or slogan of the mission but it is a line that I often times heard you quote to me form Joseph Smith. 'We teach them correct principles and they govern themselves' I love it! Thank you for teaching me correct principles and then allowing me to stumble my ways to where I am now. Therefore my dearly beloved brethren let us cheerful do all that lies in our power and then stand still with them utmost assurance and the salvation of the Lord. Ok I didn’t have my scriptures with me but I tried to get that right. Love you dad you are the second greatest dad I have ever had and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Press on. Thank you for all the care and kindness you have ever shown me. I have learned to recognize and predict the 'natural consequences' of my actions and have learned simply that obedience is life; disobedience is damnation. I often hear some of your stupid little phrases that I hated as a teenager run through my head. Almost every time I make my bed I pray. I should change that almost every time I pray I make my bed :) cuz now I pray all the time to an 'influence for good' in the life of others.

I'm out of time but thank you for all that has not yet been mentioned.

Much love,

Elder Solomon (yes like that one king in the Bible)

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